There are tons of Fantasy Leagues to choose from....why choose us? We have expanded over the last two seasons and were up to 30 teams for the 2009-10 season. The expansion thinned the talent pool further than most GM's liked, so we opened up a second and third leagues with the same format for the 2010-11 season. The leagues are capped at 20 teams to have more of a free agent pool to draw from and to make the competition more balanced. We seemed to have arrived at the "just right" size in the 2010-11, as we moved to three leagues of 20 teams each. We continue to refine the rules to make it a fun, yet managable league to participate in. Still with 20 teams, our size gives you much better odds of winning the prize money. Would you rather spent fee and have a 1 in 7000 chance or spend the same fee and have a 1 in twenty chance of winning. We make every attempt to provide quality information for you to use to manage your team.
What are we all about?
The SSFHL uses a points system based on actual NHL player performance. We have a limited keeper format which allows for a maximum of 3 keepers per team (Excluding Goalies). We also utilize the CBS Sportsline Fantasy Hockey system for drafting only to make it a quick and efficient draft. After draft day all information and rosters are managed through our site. General Managers have a budget of $63,400,000 (69 for 2014-15) with which to draft their team. There is a 4 transaction per week limit to the number of trades that you make during the regular season.
Cash prizes are awarded for a variety of different placings depending on which league(s) you become involved in. There is a league to fit every budget and you can join as many leagues as you like if there is room. Get your team(s) today before the leagues fill up!
Think you've got what it takes to win the Cup?!.....Prove It!
See the Rules page for deadlines and draft information.
"> Click on the mailbox to send us an email if you want to be contacted for upcoming season!